General PAC Meetings - EVERYONE WELCOME!
Join us on Tuesday January 21 @ 7pm for our pac meeting - online via zoom
CLICK HERE for the zoom link & to be redirected
OR login using the Information below from your zoom account:
Meeting ID - 345 500 7469
Passcode - emjs
Scheduled Meetings:
The meetings are a great place to learn about upcoming fundraising and community events, ask questions, and learn about how PAC is supporting the school. It is a safe place to raise concerns, offer feedback and meet other parents.
We meet on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7pm (except in December and March due to winter/spring break)
- Sept 24th @ 7pm - In person in the school library & Zoom
- October 22nd @ 7pm - Zoom
- November 26th @ 7pm - Zoom
- January 21st @ 7pm - Zoom
- February 25th @ 7pm - Zoom
- April 29th @ 7pm - Zoom **AGM will take place at the start of the meeting**
- May 27th @ 7pm - Zoom - Last meeting of the year
Archive of previous meeting minutes
2024/2025 Meeting Minutes
2023/2024 Meeting minutes
meeting minutes prior to these can be found on the Hot Lunch Site previously used: