Fundraising & Community Events

Check out the winning pumpkin of the EMJS Pumpkin Carving Contest 

"Petrifying Pumpkin"
(by Nolan in Div 4)

Congratulations to Nolan in Div 4 for winning the $50 flying squirrel giftcard with 94 votes! 

Congratulations to Aurora in Div 8 for winning the $25 flying squirrel giftcard, random entry draw. 

Thank-you to everyone who participated! There was so many creative pumpkins submitted. 

Check out our proposed events for the 2024/2025 school year! 

We are hoping to have a fun filled year, offering some new fundraiser ideas and community building events! Below is a draft of the proposed events we are hoping to host. All events are subject to change based on volunteer availability and interest as well as coordination with the ÉMJS schedule and SD61 booking availability. Please check back often as we will constantly update this page accordingly. You will also find information regarding events in our PAC section of the What's Up weekly emails sent out by the administration staff. If you have any ideas for fundraising or community events,  feel free to contact us by sending us an email at

Proposed PAC Events:

  • Go by Bike Week (Walk & Wheel) - Tuesday 24th until Friday October 4th 
  • PAC General meeting - Tuesday 24th @7pm - In person at EMJS Library or via zoom "Everyone Welcome!"
  • First hot lunch! - Friday 4th 
  • Grade 5 - Hoodie Sales (TBD)
  • PAC General meeting - Tuesday 22nd @ 7pm - Via zoom
  • Pumpkin Carving Contest 
  • Hot lunch - Friday 1st 
  • Countdown to kindness starts - November 1st until Nov 20th - Supporting the Victoria Native Friendship Centre (Holiday giving campaign)
  • Online silent auction - Timing TBD
  • PAC General meeting - Tuesday 26th @7pm - Via zoom 
  • Hot lunch - Friday 6th
  • Winter Movie - Friday 13th - EMJS Gym
  • NO PAC General meeting this month
  • Hot Lunch - Friday 10th
  • Victoria Royals hockey game fundraiser - TBD
  • PAC General meeting - Tuesday 21st @7pm - In person at EMJS Library or via zoom 
  • Hot Lunch - Friday 7th 
  • Parent Education Speaker Event - Monday 10th - Speaker TBD - EMJS Gym
  • Staff Appreciation Lunch - Friday 21st
  • West Coast Seed Fundraiser & possible plant sale
  • PAC General meeting - Tuesday 25th @7pm - Via Zoom
  • Hot Lunch - Friday 7th 
  • Walk-a-thon! - TBD
  • No PAC general meeting this month
  • Hot Lunch - Friday 4th 
  • Grade 5 Board Game Fundraiser - Tuesday April 8th
  • PAC AGM & General Meeting - Tuesday April 29th @7pm - Via Zoom 
  • LAST Hot Lunch - Friday 2nd
  • Spring Dance - 6-7:30 pm - EMJS Gym
  • LAST PAC General Meeting - Tuesday 27th @ 7pm - Via Zoom
  • Spring Picnic / Fair - Friday 13th - 5-8pm - EMJS School Grounds
  • Year end Teacher cards - TBD
  • School is out for summer! Thank-you for all your support - Thursday 26th 


Go by Bike Week! Sept 24 - Oct 4th

EMJS is celebrating Go By Bike Week(s) where students, staff and parents are encouraged to join and log any and all or their active transport trips to and from school and all around town during these next 2 weeks. Active transport includes: biking, walking, scootering, skateboarding and even walking to the bus stop to catch a ride!

Every time you log a trip you increase your chances of winning a prize and you also increase Margaret Jenkins’ chance of winning $1000 to put towards cycling infrastructure and/or education!

The EMJS PAC will have a table set up each morning before school next week along the fence by the “little kids playground”.  Come see us to say hi, grab a snack, stickers or cup or coffee and most importantly log your child's active trip to school so they can be entered to win a prize! We will be giving out 2 lucky-draw prizes to EMJS students each day next week! If you are able to help out in the morning 
click here to sign up. 

We can't wait to see you all next week to learn about how you stay active while travelling around our beautiful neighbourhood and city!

For more information regarding Go By Bike check out their website here